Jul 28Liked by Fergus Mason

Absolutely brilliant, some excellent detective work involved. It’s time we called out those despicable people who support this indiscriminate immigration, legal and illegal, which is destabilising our country. The recent events at Manchester Airport, even before the plane landed, is a perfect example of the people we are allowing into our country.

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Jul 28Liked by Fergus Mason

What concerns me most is who is being paid to write this kind of poisonous propaganda and who is being told to publish it? None of that happens by accident.

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Jul 28Liked by Fergus Mason

The article answers your question.

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Thank you for voicing what a vast number of native Britons have thought, felt, and experienced for the past quarter century. Ever since Tony Blair entered 10 Downing Street, successive governments have fought tooth and nail to keep the mass immigration going and gaslight the indigenous population about its supposed benefits, manifestly none of which is true.

Whilst a level of immigration is appropriate and indeed beneficial, MASS immigration to change the fundamental nature of British demographics is nothing short of social engineering on a scale hitherto unprecedented. Nobody can now claim we do not know the outcome. We have had since 1997 to know what would transpire and it isn’t pretty.

Before 2024, we never had sectarian politics to the extent that candidates are being elected to local government on a foreign policy ticket that they have literally no influence on. We even have MPs in Westminster elected specifically because they are Muslim or sympathise with Muslims and the Palestinian cause, none of which helps to solve the catastrophic consequences of the financial crash of 2008, COVID mismanagement, and the aftermath of Brexit.

We have woke policies forced on us, we are told to suck it up and bow down before the idol of mass immigration. Millions of Britons of all ages, backgrounds and religious affiliations refuse to do so. Those who forced this on us will rue the day they did so.

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Jul 28Liked by Fergus Mason

This can also apply to the US here.

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There are no positives that make a measurable difference to lives of British citizens, the fact is that the level of migration is off the scale. Since the 1950s net migration teetered between 30,000 and 50,000 until Blair opened the gates to all and sundry, continued by the treasonous Conservatives, with recent figure at 1.2 million net.

The inevitable results are writ large, all our institutions are buckling under the strain, and we are becoming poorer, with an obvious drop in living standards. The rise in Islamist attacks has increased, our democracy has been unduly influenced by cultural degenerates who hate us, and we are being insulted by our political class when we point out the carnage that will only get worse.

The unresponsiveness of the UK parliament indicates our political system is no longer fit for majoritarian rule and is long overdue re-examination and reimagining to deal with the pressures emanating from IGOs and supra-nationals.

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Jul 28Liked by Fergus Mason

I’m halfway through. I wonder if Rochdale was mentioned.

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Amazingly, she didn't highlight that as a place immigration has quietly boosted.

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Jul 28Liked by Fergus Mason

That’s really, really strange.

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Isn't it just?

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So basically you're just dragging a random listicle authored by a gig writer looking to pad their word count and time spent on the page?

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No, I'm wondering who is paying her to write so many of them, and why.

And pointing out that what she wrote is a load of absolute dog toffee, of course.

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People get paid to write ragebait so they can get money off of ads between photos and paragraphs.

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