Sep 18Liked by Fergus Mason

Great article again Fergus. I’m learning more and more from you about military strategies. Amazingly, BBC News were exhibiting surprise that Israel hadn’t shared their intention to attack Hezbollah command via their pagers. I say amazingly, as why on earth would anyone expect Israel to tell Starmer’s boys and girls. Starmer being a mate of the “Islington Friend of Hamas”, Lammy and Starmer banning sale of some arms to Israel and Labour being stuffed to the gills with anti-semites. Sir K being a prominent one despite his wife and kids being Jewish but hey, he wouldn’t pay for private health treatment if they were desperately ill. If Israel had told the UK they may as well have cut out the middle man and told Hezbollah and Hamas directly!

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Sep 18Liked by Fergus Mason

Loving your military insight into all this Fergus. Fascinating. Your subtle humour goes a long way too. Cheers!

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Sep 19Liked by Fergus Mason

Genius! Absolute genius! But, we are whining about why they didn’t tell us! Firstly, because we wouldn’t have supported it and secondly, because we have shown them, that they are ultimately on their own. Israel, I salute you!

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Sep 19Liked by Fergus Mason

I totally agree. I wouldn’t have told us either!

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Sep 19Liked by Fergus Mason

They couldn’t tell us Donna as they don’t trust us. And I don’t blame them.

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Sep 19Liked by Fergus Mason

Oh, and I loved the nod to Brittney Spears! 😂

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Sep 19Liked by Fergus Mason

If this goes on the Hezbollah members will be afraid to flush a toilet

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Sep 19Liked by Fergus Mason

This adds a whole new layer of meaning to the phrase “bombed into the Stone Age”.

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15 hrs agoLiked by Fergus Mason

Effective *and* hilarious!

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If anyone else in the world pulled off a terrorist attack like this that knowingly put thousands of non-combatants in harms way, we would call it terrorism, because thats what it is.

We should all be terrified. The very knowledge that this is possible and that it will be celebrated and condoned if used by a group in favor with the dominant political views of the moment is insane.

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In your opinion, what makes it a "terrorist attack"?

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Well I saw plenty of photos of injured children. Im sure they’re all fake though, right?

And you might be right about the batteries, still pretty sure having a lithium battery exploded in your face is not great either though.

I mean it’s fine if you don’t care about civilians getting hurt or think its just the cost of war or whatever, but just say you don’t care, dont carry on with all this “perfectly targeted” crap, cause no one actually believes you believe that anyway.

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But it IS the cost of war - and bear in mind Hezbollah STARTED this war. They're the ones who decided to fire thousands of unguided, indiscriminate rockets into Israeli towns without provocation.

OK, you don't like the way Israel chose to hit back. How would YOU have done it?

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Probably targeted the actual individuals considered the upper organizational structure while attempting to minimize civilian damage instead of just blowing up thousands of devices indiscriminately.

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But how would you have targeted them? Cruise missiles? Guided bombs? Because it's hard to see how those would cause LESS collateral damage than what Israel actually did.

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Well, when you blow up a device with a battery, the battery internals end up exploding too. And its been reported that there was basically birdshot/metal fragments intentionally added to the devices as well to maximize damage.

I dont support anyone over there and I would love to see all the militant groups in the ME wiped off the earth, but this is disgusting and wrong and needs to be called such.

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But lithium ion batteries don't contain "battery acid" and I have seen no reports of fragmentation being added. That wouldn't make any sense in a device like that.

There is nothing "disgusting" about it. It was very precisely targeted on Hezbollah's members.

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That why all the civilians got hurt right? All the precision.

Also, Im guessing 90s tech like pagers and walkie talkies are probably not running on lithium. Just a hunch.

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"All the civilians"? Just look at some of the footage. These were tiny explosions. One video shows a device going off and two men standing within a couple of feet of the target were completely unharmed.

So you think that because pagers were popular in the 1990s, that means pagers manufactured THIS YEAR don't use modern batteries? You may want to re-evaluate some assumptions there. In any case, 1990s pagers used normal AA batteries and they aren't filled with sulphuric acid either. ICOM radios are not "90s tech" and they use Li-Ion batteries.

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The fact that the goal of it was terror. They knew without a doubt that these explosions would happen in public places, cars with children, buses, apartments, markets, etc. If it was any group in the world that did this other than Israel, there would be condemnations galore. But no, Israel can just blow up battery acid and birdshot in the faces of children and we get a torrent of articles gushing over the genius of it all. Absolutely disgusting.

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"The fact that the goal of it was terror."

Really? It looks to me like the goal was to take out Hezbollah's command structure.

"Israel can just blow up battery acid and birdshot"

What are you talking about? Honestly, it sounds like you could do with a nice lie down.

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🇮🇱 doesn’t have this reach. This isn’t just MOSSAD, this is 🇺🇸 had enough of their 💩.

I mean Iran and the Pals and Lebanon. We 🇺🇸 were trying to bring them into the fold, but their own idiot treachery and bigotry ruined them.

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