Jun 24·edited Jun 24Liked by Fergus Mason

The conservatives are just doing globalist progressive bullshit and they don't care if you don't vote for them because even if they lose it'll just be other people doing the same stuff. They only start to care if you do something crazy like vote for someone who might give you what you want.

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This time, yes. The real fight is for what happens in 2029, or sooner if Labour implode too. If Reform get enough votes and seats to be a credible player in Westminster, they can easily be the main right-wing party by the next election. The Tories are going to completely blow up next Friday, as the remaining actual conservatives and the One Nation wets fight for control of what's left of the party. It won't be a pretty sight.

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In general, governments lose elections rather than oppositions win them. So the result of the 2028/2029 election primarily depends on what Starmer does. I have previously written (https://pontifex.substack.com/p/what-labour-should-do) on what Starmer should do if he wants to maximise his chance of winning -- whether he will do this I don't know.

As for the Tories, if they lose badly enough, it's entirely possible they will disappear entirely as their left will join the Lib Dems and their right will be taken over by Reform.

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Jun 24Liked by Fergus Mason

Right there with you, Fergus. The Tories need a slap. They need to know that we never swallowed any of their bullshit. They disregarded what their voters wanted for so long that they deserve all they get. I think part of the reason so many voted for Brexit was actually to teach smug Cameron a lesson. He wasn’t listening then and they’re still not listening. The system needs a shake up and if that means voting for Reform, then so be it. I’m not expecting Kier to be a good Prime Minister but I’m happy to be proven wrong. I don’t think he has the right qualities and I’m seriously worried about the expansion of the gender ideology under Labour. But, the Conservatives had this coming.

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Jun 24Liked by Fergus Mason

Brilliant. So true. I have always voted Conservative and for years have knocked on doors on their behalf but I can’t believe how appallingly they have let us down. Nothing works except for the Bookie’s Board. Shameful.

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Jun 30Liked by Fergus Mason

Nick Timothy is one of those people who when they say something is true, you immediately suspect that it isn't.

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This would barely need to be adjusted to be a fair explanation of republicans and trumpism in the USA.

Here's hoping both of our nations can survive the correction and right the ship before things go too far. We're pulling for you Brits! Good luck!

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Jun 24Liked by Fergus Mason

No telling what will happen. But seeing clearly and clearly articulating what we see, is what we have right now. It’s a vital rung on the ladder of liberty!

And you’re seeing and calling it clearly. Keep on keeping on!

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Globalists to their fingertips but also the traditional obsequiosness towards the US dictates the way they govern. A prime example was during the tortuous post Brexit negotiations over the Irish border the Tories could have played a winning hand by highlighting Irelands corporate tax rate which affects every single aspect of trade yet it was off limits because to do so would upset the US, the EU and global capitalism itself

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"They’ve suddenly realised the game is up. Attracting voters with right-wing manifesto promises, then governing as Continuity Blairism, only works when the voters really do have nowhere else to go." -- and this, in a nutshell, is why FPTP is such a shitty voting system. It systematically reduces voters' ability to vote for what they want, and means that whoever wins the election, the ruling class do.

As for the right wing vote being split, I am *so* glad that the Tories' support for FPTP is coming back to bite them. I hope every single one of them loses their seats.

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It's far too late.

It's all over bar the counting.

It's done.

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