"the white men he wants to recruit don’t want to join anymore - because the MoD and rogue officers like Wigston, Byford and Dole have actively worked to make them feel unwelcome."

These very same white men, discriminated against when wishing to join the RAF, are now less likely than ever to want to join up, just a few weeks ago they were 'far right thugs,' when upset about the murder of little girls. I hope they remember this when the next recruitment drive comes along, especially now that the elitists in Westminster and Whitehall, the centres of power for the 'diversity,' crowd, are increasingly worried about Iran and Putin. These same white men are not even allowed to wave their national flag at a football match! You should never fight for a country whose flag you are not allowed to fly!

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Oct 1Liked by Fergus Mason

If the a modern Battle of Britain happened today we would lose and be invaded. You made a very apposite comment Fergus that that the armed forces are there to defend us not represent us. And I’m just watching Iran raining cruise missiles on Israel. They’ll be very sorry as Israel’s armed forces don’t wear skirts.

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You're already being invaded by young muslim men, who are attacking your women.

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Our young women get attacked by young and old Muslim men. It gets talked about on the day that we sentence the next grooming gang then brushed under the carpet by government and MSM until the next trial.

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Oct 1Liked by Fergus Mason

This is just so alarming and dangerous.

Positive discrimination does not work in any setting, but especially when the safety of our Country is at stake.

We are practically telling our enemies to come and have a go. We can't defend ourselves.

When will the madness stop?

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It really is dangerous. Decades of cuts have left the Armed Forces far too small for all we expect them to do - but they're now so hollowed out that even the forces we have left are barely operational. In a real war we'll be in serious trouble very quickly.

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Oct 1Liked by Fergus Mason

Astounds that Wigston and Byford haven't been punished or even reprimanded in any way.

I suspect the policy went deeper than just pilot recruitment... anecdotally a few friends (all white men) applying to the RAF had applications turned down and it seems like the rot had a while to settle in.

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I’m sure you’re right. The pilot recruitment scandal came out because some woke fool put it in writing that boards were cancelled for diversity reasons - but most RAF jobs don’t go before selection boards, so it’s much easier to just quietly reject an application from someone who isn’t colourful enough and has the wrong chromosomes.

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Oct 1Liked by Fergus Mason

Thank you Fergus - this is indeed a most alarming state of affairs. Sadly I suspect that the chances of the CPS bringing prosecutions to bear against those responsible for breaches of the equality act 2010 are slim to none, and they will continue to reap the rewards of their actions.

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Oct 2Liked by Fergus Mason

The CPS don’t necessarily need to. A chief of defence with sufficient integrity could refer charges to a court martial.

A few years in the stockade in care of disparaged white men would make a good example of those senior officers.

But it won’t happen because the officer class remember their station but forget their obligations.

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Oct 2Liked by Fergus Mason

Well said.

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Oct 2Liked by Fergus Mason

I’m sure the new Labour Government, which is known for its hostility to all things DEI, will rapidly get a grip on the situation.

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Oct 1Liked by Fergus Mason

What they need to do is to hire less destructive leftists.

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What would Churchill say?

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If you think it's bad in the UK, see what is happening in Canada. Then weep.

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Oct 5Liked by Fergus Mason

The problem remains that those in charge of the Armed Forces are happy to dismantle their own organization. It is fascinating how institutions are run by people (whose status depends totally on said institution) who actively conspire to destroy them. With regard to the Armed Forces, why would anyone want to join a failing organisation with dodgy kit?

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Oct 4Liked by Fergus Mason

WRT the extended time it now takes to recruit (if they bother at all), we all know that there is no problem a bureaucrat cannot solve with another form, preferably completed in triplicate. We need to do a Milei on the Civil Service.

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Oct 4Liked by Fergus Mason

This is a brilliant and dumbfounding article, essential reading. I certainly hope (forlornly) that everyone in the MoD will be read it. They won’t obviously. In a strange sort of a way I’m not surprised about the RAF, they always look a bit weak when you see them don’t they? Although I am not excusing them when I say that. Their anti-white men stance is a national outrage and they seem to have got away with it. Knighton is obviously a woke idiot, and his “lessons have been learned” type bollocks is a lie, as you rightly point out. Doubtless he’ll get some award or other. I take my hat off to Group Captain Nicholl for displaying some moral fibre, they need more people like her. However, I expected more from the Army. Which sane person gives a fuck about diversity among the people who fight for this country. Surely you simply need thinking people who are the best at fighting? An endeavour which I strongly suspect not everyone has the physical attributes and the mindset for. And yes, whatever anyone says, men are more equipped to fight than women. There shouldn’t be a quota or a ‘diversity target’. How pathetic. Surely no Army that wilfully seeks to reduce its effectiveness for reasons of identitarian insanity can be considered a serious army? Isn’t war far too serious to be treated as some sort of woke proving ground? I don’t imagine the Ukrainian or Russian infantryman in his trench cares about the lack of diversity in his unit, and the reason he doesn’t is that he’s got some actual problems and difficulties to contend with, thus he wants the best people fighting next to him. Although that said, by the RAF and the British Army’s rationale, had the Russian Army had more women and blacks in it they would have already won the war. Because it would have made them a better fighting force. That is the point isn’t it? Fucking hell. Can’t we put Colonel Collins in charge?

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Madness it is. Blatant racism it is, far worse than any past racial bias against non-whites. All in the name of diversity - and putting a nation's safety at risk while doing so. This is actually criminal and traitorous behavior in my opinion. Besides the sheer lack of pilots to fly those jets, if acceptance for pilot training is first and solely ruled by color, race and gender, actual skills and proficiency is almost assuredly a problem as well.

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Oct 2Liked by Fergus Mason

Great photos, BTW. Tremendous respect for the RAF from this side of the pond.

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For what it once was, anyway.

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Oct 2Liked by Fergus Mason

Yes. My parents were friends with a man who was a B-24 pilot in the 8th Air Force. Shot down over Holland, escaped with help from Dutch resistance, continued flying missions. Incredibly modest.

We shall not see their like again.

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Arming and training the current influx of highly unsuitable immigrants and their offspring is such a danger, it doesn’t bear thinking about. Blame the obsession with University, its inadequate lifestyle and propaganda and you have a complete combustion for the breakdown of our society. We must challenge the current education system and its attitudes.

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No illegal immigrants will be joining the British Army. They're not eligible to.

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Oct 6Liked by Fergus Mason

Agreed. The difficulty arises when they and their offspring are no longer “illegal” or “irregular” (!). Besides which, we have whole areas of people who are not British first and foremost but might choose to present themselves as being so. The selection process is going to become almost impossible.

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Of course, almost nobody from those areas joins the forces anyway, whatever the MoD does to try to recruit them.

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The same clique of clowns pushing diversity and sabotaging the British armed forces are also the ones meddling in Ukraine and telling us how bad russia china and Iran are. I wonder if there's any chance they are full of BS about that as well?? 🤔🤔

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I couldn't find the exact quote, but it went something along the lines of 'Republicans want a strong military that they send nowhere, and Democrats want to cut the military and send it everywhere'.

It may be somewhat unintentional, but that's exactly what the Left's push for diversity at any cost has done to the UK military.

I watch Fast Jet Performance by Tim Davies on YouTube. He's a former RAF Officer and vocally critic of the insane Leftist institutional junta. I also see Ant Middleton spoke at the Reform Party Conference. That's what they get for cancelling a high calibre individual for calling thugs thugs for putting 26 police officers in the hospital.

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